What is a Long Term Recovery Group (LTRG)?

In the aftermath of a disaster, the immediate response of first responders and emergency services is crucial. But the journey to full recovery extends far beyond those initial efforts. This is where Long Term Recovery Groups (LTRGs) come in.

An LTRG is a collaborative effort: Bringing together representatives from faith-based groups, non-profits, government agencies, businesses, and community members, LTRGs work as a united front to address the ongoing needs of individuals and families affected by disasters.

Focus on unmet needs: While initial assistance programs often address immediate necessities like food and shelter, LTRGs focus on the gaps that remain. This can include things like:

LTRGs work hand-in-hand with the community: By collaborating with local residents, understanding their unique needs, and leveraging the combined resources of various stakeholders, LTRGs can develop targeted and effective solutions for long-term recovery.

Here are some key things LTRGs do:

For communities affected by a disaster, an LTRG can be a vital source of support and guidance on the road to recovery.Â